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Culture & Nature

The connection between culture and nature sharpens the attention and encourages wonderment, creativity and enthusiasm.


In the Villa’s large garden, there is room for encounter, exchange and moments of beauty and comfort in a specially designed, public pavilion. Always connected to the local community and society at large, there is frequent cooperation with partners in care, culture, nature, education and social economy.

Our large, public garden is accessible

During wintertime between 10am and 6pm

During summertime between 9am and 9pm.

The construction of the pavilion and the landscaping of the garden is co-funded by the province of Antwerp and the European fund of rural development.

Programme of the multifunctional space in the pavilion and garden for:

  • study, education, coaching, supervision and consultation

  • expositions

  • recitals

  • music or dance workshops

  • concerts

  • creation and co-creation

  • festivities and symposia

  • recharge, to rest, to relax or to encounter

  • play, movement and sports

  • experiencing nature and nature education

  • good, healthy food and drinks

  • sanitary

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